So the wedding is coming up and the ceremony is almost here. There are a few things to keep in mind for ceremony etiquette
Rules for Your Wedding Ceremony
1.) Always smile! All eyes are on the guests of honor and bridal party. So keep smiling, you want to leave a lasting impression on their family and friends.
2.) Remember the whole ceremony is videotaped. Many brides watch the video later in horror as their bridal party looks bored. Worse yet, they mouth words to guests that are seated. Make sure you give the ceremony your undivided attention.
3.) Make sure you keep up on your bridal party responsibilities. If you’re the Maid of Honor, then make sure you know where the groom’s ring is at all times. Know when to adjust the bride’s train so she can move comfortably. If you notice a tangled train, then fix it ASAP. The bride and groom will thank you later.
4.) If you start to feel faint, step outside and sit down. Nobody wants you to fall face-first during the ceremony. To prevent fainting, breathe slowly and deeply. Remember to never lock your knees. Most importantly, keep hydrated, especially if it is a hot afternoon.
5.) Make sure to meet the eyes of the bride every so often. She needs moral support from her close friends. It will be helpful during the emotional times of the ceremony.
6.) Understand that there may be some interesting traditions during the ceremony. This includes candle lighting, breaking of the glass, pouring of the sand, and even special songs/poems. Be supportive and understanding. This will make the couple happy.